
How can sharing a simple meal impact a complex conversation?


What is Place/Setting?

Place/Setting is a social art installation, designed to host an intimate dinner conversation that is made semi-transparent to help a larger understand how ideas are shared within and amongst individuals, organizations, and experts in various contexts.

Place/Setting @HUBweek

The first iteration of the project took place over four days at Boston's HUBweek, on Boston City Hall Plaza. The installation housed  four public meals with  guests from a mix of grassroots and legacy institutions with themes revolving around the growing disparity in income in greater Boston, and the arenas in which this is being addressed: urban agriculturecivic engagement and designcooperative economic models, and housing, communities, and media


four arrangements, four dynamic conversations



Our hope is that the familiar ritual of a meal in an unfamiliar environent sets the stage for new and open dialogue.








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How do you have an intimate dinner on a public plaza?

How does a ten person conversation reach a broader audience?

Place/Setting is an experiment in answering these questions. Place/Setting is not a symposium, it’s not a board meeting, nor is it a private party. Place/Setting is a social art installation, designed to host intimate conversations over shared meals, made semi-transparent to help the public understand how ideas are shared within and amongst organizations and experts in the city.  


Have  an idea for a future meal or collaboration?

Contact Us
